Sunday 25 October 2020

A Productive day

 After a sleep in this morning, I had quite a productive day. Because it is/was Sunday, I don't like to do washing or vaccumning in the house. Basic house cleaning, like making the bed and wiping down benches is okay but not big stuff. However, I have no problems with doing craft work. 

When I was young, say under ten, if we visited my grandparents who lived in the city and bought weekly comics for the grandkids, but if we were there on a Sunday, we were not allowed to read the comics. Only reading on a Sunday was the bible.

Anyway, today I finished two quilts, one needed some buttons sewn on it, the other was about half done and I made a bag.

I love the colours of this. It is a print and the print is actually not square on the fabric, which is a shame. I had made a quilt from jt and this was left overs.
I also crocheted a pair of slippers while watching TV. I had a new pattern sent to me and it is much easier and therefore quicker to make. They will be my main project over the summer months as well as some toys.

Then dinner which Warren thought was pretty good.
Portuguese chicken with salad and wedges, I thought the chicken may have been too hot as it seemed to have quite a lot of paprika in it but it was mild thank goodness. 


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