Thursday 1 October 2020

Atherton food trail

 This was a little disappointing. I had heard about this from an online friend, they had gone to Cairns for holidays and did a day trip. Could do it with a tour company for only $160 per person. Yikes!

Many of the places were only open from Thursday to Sunday, don't know if that is usual or because of Covid. We weren't interested in the beer or wines, did go to the Coffee Works and the Humpty Nuts. We had visited the Gallo dairy and the Strawberry place four years ago so didn't feel that we missed much.

At the caravan park, we had a friendly magpie, Warren gave him some cheese. The next morning, he turned up  again, most unusual Warren had bare feet and magpie must have thought his toes were big fat worms as he gave him a bit of a peck. I said that he wasnt quick enough with more cheese!

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