Thursday 15 October 2020

A Christmas Shop.

 It was our last break before home at Tiario, hum not sure of that spelling, its 2 hours up the road. We grabbed a drink, a toilet stop and a sit in the park, not neccessarily in that order.

There is a Christmas store there, it's open all year round but I have never visited. Decided that we needed to stretch our legs so we went for a quick walk, there was also a cache that way but that was further and it stayed where it was.

All things Christmassy, Warren liked the red robins so I asked if we could just take it off the tree or did they have others. I was told that everything could come off the trees except one, a white one as she had just sold it complete. Apparently someone had been in earlier, seen it, went home and rang back to buy the whole thing. As it was highly decorated, I wouldn't like to think what it would cost.

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