Thursday 1 October 2020

Mt Molloy

 Mt Molloy is the turning point of either going to the right when heading north, to go to Cooktown or turning left to go to the tip. Everyone in the north refers to the Gulf or Cape York as "the tip".  To me, the tip means going to the rubbish dump so it took awhile for the penny to drop and realise what people were meaning.

We stopped at the small township for toilets and coffee, we had bought pies at the market for lunch, mine was seafood, Warren stuck with a mince pie. Even cold they were good, homemade fresh for Saturday markets.

There was an old boiler that I took a look at, there was a cache there, surprise surprise.

Warren found a nice shady spot under some trees. The main road was divided and had shade trees with seating around them, great idea for travellers. Lots of traffic going both ways.

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