Friday 7 August 2020

Vaccine time

Each year about this time we get a letter from Lucy's vet to advise us of the yearly vaccine. It's a bit of a drive but as she only needs to go there yearly, we have kept the same vet practise.

Lucy is very happy to go in the car now and jumped in the back. Hmmmm, lots of things to smell in the carpark. We opened the door and then the fun started, she did not want to go in There! Between us, we got her in and she sat nicely at the counter. She was weighed, oops, we did think she had put on a bit, 4 mgs heavier than last year.

We were asked to wait outside, due to Covid, no one can sit in the waiting room. Again it was a push to get her back inside when she was called. I thought there was vinyl on the floor for ease of cleaning, it also makes a good slide for reluctant dogs.

The vet got on the floor with Lucy, I thought we would have to lift her on the table, commented on her weight but when we told her that Lucy gets a walk every day, she was happy with that. 

Temperature check up her bum and then a needle in the back of her neck which she didn't even flinch at, a treat and we were good to go. Im sure Lucy breathed a sigh of relief when we headed out the door.

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