Monday 31 August 2020

Creative writing, 900 prompts.

 National novel writing month is coming up in November and as I was buying a crochet stitch book from the Book Depository, I also bought this book which arrived today.

Opened it and this was the second chapter that I read.

"Imagine, you are driving a car in the road.  You are coming back at your home from your  friend's party. Now, your car is passing through a long jungle and you are lonely driving on this road. Nobody is there.

Suddenly, your car stop. You try to start but failed. The car's water finished. You become worried and look aroundhere and there. In the same time,you look a light in the jungle. You walk to the jungle toward the light. A few minutes later, you reach at the only house.  And now you are surprising to see the house in the jungle."

This was quite difficult to copy as the English is so very wrong and the computer wanted to autocorrect some.

I have flicked through the book and the poor English seems to be through out the book. I know there are times when endings of words can be missed or similar but this does seem extreme. I suppose luckily for me, I can make out what it does mean and I can still use it.


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