Wednesday 12 August 2020

Four days of celebrations.

 Warren has just had a special birthday and we had a family bbq on Sunday, sports meant that a couple couldn't come so there was only eight of us but good to sit around, eat and chat.

Monday was Warren's actual birthday and I have had a standing coffee morning with my friends in the park on Mondays. He told me not to change it. However, it was a cold windy day so coffee was cancelled and he decided to was not suitable for tennis. We went to Scarborough to a beachside cafe for brunch instead and asked for a table inside. We walked along the beach side path after but we put up with the wind for about 20  minutes before we raced back to the car to get warm and out of the wind.

Tuesday we went bike riding up in the Blackall ranges. It was slightly downhill most of the way but where there used to be a wooden bridge across valleys or creeks, now it has been concrete and quite steep, down and up the other side. Signs advising riders to dismount and walk bikes up and down. There were five of these crossings, a couple of cattle crossings which we did ride over. Took us four and a half hours with lunch and a couple of other stops plus we stopped to find four caches all the way. We both have sore bums just for being on the seats for so long. We were told it would take between three and five hours. My phone was in my backpack so no photos except this one.

Today was tennis day so I organised morning tea for his tennis group. Lucy and I went out with him and we walked along the beach and discovered these little crabs

After lunch, we went to the mall so Warren could buy his birthday gift from the kids. They had given him gift cards to buy a go pro for his trip next year. 

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