Sunday 16 August 2020

The English Game

 We started watching this on Netflix awhile ago and just this week we finished the series. One episode was 45 minutes long, great to watch while having lunch and a break. It is about the start of football or soccer as we call it. 

Apparently it was dreamed up at the old English unis and when working classes wanted to play, it became a problem as the "old school tie" mentality came into play. 

It was good to see the haves and the have nots came together and some more than others worked together. 

Today we travelled a fair distance to see one of our grandsons play soccer. He plays goalie, loves it and is involved in three teams, a school team and two leagues. They didnt win today, losing by two goals, one was just above Declan's hands, he did touch it but it went past, the other one was a mistake by another player. Dec did fend off quite a few. 

The players have several uniforms, the dress to attend the games is track pants with a dress tshirt, then a training uniforms plus home and away shirts. 

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