Wednesday 26 August 2020


 Many years ago, I was coming home from visiting Warren and the hostesses came around with their tax free goodies. I had some pounds left and decided to spend them so I bought a bottle of perfume for myself. We had bought the kids gifts and they were in the luggage so I didn't feel guilty by buying something just for me.

As there were no testing, I bought purely on the look of the bottle and the price. It was called Lulu and luckily I loved it. 

It has been my perfume ever since, although not solely because of the cost but for several years now it has been the only perfume I wear. Problem is that as it has been around so long, it is getting harder to buy. I bought a bottle when in England as it was readily available and the last bottle I bought was from a chemist chain and they had extras because it was close to Christmas. 

I went back to that chain a few weeks ago but had to buy something else. I did a test and while it seemed alright, I dont like it after awhile. 

Warren was taking the car to be serviced and while there I asked him to go to a chemist warehouse and buy Lulu for me. He knows what he was looking for as he has bought some over the years for me as gifts. They didnt have it, unable to obtain it so apparently there was Warren taking smell tests.

He bought Joop, think this will be my new go to perfume, he did well.

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