Thursday 20 August 2020

Adult hospital vs children's hospital.

 I was surprised by the difference in the two hospitals. We visited Jordan today and as it closer to home and possibly a bit difficult to get to by public transport we drove. That was probably a mistake as we couldnt find where to park, saw several staff parking areas but no public parking. We had not been there before and didnt know exactly where he was and how to get there. Jordan had sent a screen shot of where he was and we ended up parking in the streets and walked, keeping in contact with Jordan. He told us that he would come and meet us, which he did and then walked us back to his area and room showing us on the way where we could have parked. We had seen the road but as it said hospital service road we turned the other way.

Jordan able to leave his room and walk out. Aidan cannot go out of his room.

We followed Jordan through the hospital and back to his room, no check ins, no temp checks. Children's hospital, security check in and temp taken, on his floor, another check in before doors unlocked to access.

Jordan can have two visitors at a time, between 10am and 8pm. Aidan could only had two visitors total for the day.

Jordan doesn't have meal times, he orders what and when he likes. We took him in a foot long subway. Aidan has a choice of two meals each day but can order extras.  His meal is delivered to him  at the end of service if he doesn't have a visitor to get it for him, so sometimes cold. 

Jordan's room is quite small but he does have a nice view, he's on the ground floor and his bathroom was pretty big. Aidan has always had a big room probably suitable for two beds, no view although a window but on eighth floor. 

We visited with Jordan until it was time for him to go to gym and we took the shortcut back to the car, a ten minute walk.

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