Sunday 2 August 2020

A wake up call

Warren was being collected this morning at 6.30, I asked him to wake me which he did. I saw them off and then went back to bed. Being a person who has trouble sleeping or getting to sleep, it amazes me that at that hour I can go back to bed and sleep very easily.

I woke at 7.58 and thought about getting up, not that I had any thing pressing to do but it's not often one has a full day to do whatever one chooses (within reason of course) and I didnt want to miss any of it.

It was nice and warm in bed and I lay there for a little longer, must have gone to sleep as next I heard was whimpering and when I opened my eyes, there was a dog's just about the mattress. I groaned and turned over, it was 8.40. Not to be foiled, she dashed around the other side of the bed and was whinging slightly. I knew she wasnt going to give up, from previous times.

I gave up and put one leg out of bed telling her that I was getting up. She was happy then and headed off outside. It was nice and comfy in bed, so I thought I could take a few more minutes. There was a barreling noise at the back door which meant Lucy was on her way back. Into our room she comes, she reminded me of Mum when she had to wake me for school, same look on her face. I had two feet on the ground by the time Lucy was at the bed. This time she waited until I was in the bathroom. 

I made my coffee while she sunbaked, although it is past her walk time, she knows that I don't take her walking until my coffee cup is empty. Breakfast cups are clear so she can see. Once it's empty, she will be pressuring me for a walk. 

As its a free day, we will set off in the car and go to the lakes, I like to go to different places at times, then it's my day to do what I want until 5pm, Lucy's dinner time.

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