Monday 11 November 2019

New Authors to read

I read a lot and I am at the library every two to three weeks depending on what else is going on in our lives. A haul from the library is usually eight books at a time. I borrow the large print books and have done for years because I read mainly at night and the larger print is easier to read. 

I had Louise Perry recommended to me and last time at the library while looking for one of hers, I was in a different section.

My reading genre is primarily crime or murder mysteries. Anyway I picked up two books and the burb at the back of the book sounded interesting. Its rare that I dont finish a book but some just dont live up to the promises or the time line is very out. That annoys me and has caused me to stop reading.

However the two books that I got would be describes as thrillers I think, there were some deaths and potential murders but they were so well written. I have been known to stay reading until the early hours of the morning to get to the end and these two were like that.
They have both written other books and I will be looking out for them in the future.

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