Wednesday 13 November 2019

Blood Donations

Warren and I were at the doctors yesterday, we just needed a repeat of our scripts so we made appointments one after the other and went in together. Warren mentioned that he was giving blood in the afternoon and Emma our doctor who looks about twenty told us that she can't donate as she was in the UK in the nineties because of Mad Cow disease.

Wow, never to donate. Therefore she is older than twenty!

Warren said he was up to 26 donations but it's far more than that as we started donating in Melbourne and donated in Canberra and even in China plus here, it's 26 times here.

I don't donate any more as the last time I did  about seven years ago, I fainted. That was not a good feeling.

One time when I was working for defence, there was a competition between Army and Air force to donate the most blood. A group of us donated on the first day available and then we went into the main office on the last day, therefore getting in two donations each.

Army won hands down but it was a good way to build up needed supplies. 

I made sure that we had steak for dinner the night before.

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