Friday 29 November 2019

Black Friday Sales

We went for morning tea today. We met some people yesterday and talking about these yummy ginger scones so we thought we should go back and make sure the scones and coffee were just as good as we remembered. It was.

Coming back home, I saw adverts for the sales near a shoe store and reminded Warren that he needed new runners and that we might as well cash in on the sales.

Oh boy, I realised there is reason why I don't go shopping in the sales!

Parking was hard to find then as we had not shopped there before, we didnt know where to find the places that we wanted so it was walking up and down. Finally we found a shoe store, not the one we were looking for but they had decent brands and Warren tried on a pair and bought them.

We left home at 9.30am and finally got home again at 2pm for a rest!

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