Friday 1 November 2019

All happening at once, it seems

So we had Halloween, start of Nanowrimo, trip to the beach and rain.
We left to go to an event for Halloween last night and we had had no callers but a couple of kids were going past as we opened the garage door, we gave them a hand full of sweets that we were taking with us. I normally buy small packets of chips and ice blocks instead of lollies but because we were going out I didnt. I did make my little ghosties but forgot to take them out I know they have gone to a good home.
The suburb where we went  was crawling with kids, never seen so many dressed up before. Home at nine to do a little packing.

It's my writing weekend to start Nanowrimo. We travelled and set up, just got inside the camper and the rain started. No annex up yet, the car fridge was working too well, the frozen meal that I had put in there was still rock solid. In a break in the rain ventured forth to the local shops which google told us was only 340 metres away to buy fish and chips. Fish mornay will have to wait until tomorrow.

In between showers Warren got the annex up while I set up the table and computer inside, finally writing the first word at six pm, very late start for me. I had had thoughts about what I was going to write so I wasn't stressed. Eight o'clock Lucy decided she needed a walk so her and I wandered down the street and back again, then I finished off my writing for the day, 1748 words done so well on track.

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