Tuesday 12 November 2019

Basil and Vine

I wanted to go for morning coffee last Friday as neither of us have any commitments on Fridays. We did have the camper van to put away and I suggested that we went in half hour of putting that to bed. As it is Nanowrimo and I wanted to write a few more words in case I didn't get back to it.

Because of these things we were a little later leaving than we wanted to and lunch was starting in ten minutes. Oh, blow it we would make it lunch.

Oh my goodness, the menu was reasonably extensive with pastas, pizzas and salad. We had seen a pic on face book of one dish which looked pretty good. Warren ordered the strawberry, fig and prosciutto salad and I ordered the pear, walnut and blue cheese salad, oh yum!

On mine the pears were slightly warmed. It was a hot day and the cafe was open on one side giving the feeling of eating outside but it was not hot, I don't know how they managed that.
This was Warren's
This was mine.
It wasn't cheap but don't mind paying higher if it's worth it. We both had an iced coffee and it was $48 altogether. It wasn't far from home either, another bonus. We will go back.

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