Friday 29 November 2019

Black Friday Sales

We went for morning tea today. We met some people yesterday and talking about these yummy ginger scones so we thought we should go back and make sure the scones and coffee were just as good as we remembered. It was.

Coming back home, I saw adverts for the sales near a shoe store and reminded Warren that he needed new runners and that we might as well cash in on the sales.

Oh boy, I realised there is reason why I don't go shopping in the sales!

Parking was hard to find then as we had not shopped there before, we didnt know where to find the places that we wanted so it was walking up and down. Finally we found a shoe store, not the one we were looking for but they had decent brands and Warren tried on a pair and bought them.

We left home at 9.30am and finally got home again at 2pm for a rest!

Saturday 23 November 2019

Fred's Gully

On the way up north we called into a national park and made our way slowly to the summit.

Incredible scenery.

Fred's Gully was about 500 metres from the summit and there were toilets, bbqs and shelters. Loved the tree.

Fishermen's Friends

This is a new movie that started showing on Thursday. I had seen a couple of clicks on TV and thought that it looked good.

As a celebration of me finishing my Nanowrimo early, yay, ten days early, we went to see it.

I didn't realise that it was based on a true story. It was set in Port Iacass, damn I dont know how to spell that but the township is in Cornwall and it is also where Doc Martin is filmed. We went to see the town when we were in the UK last year.

I didn't recognize any of the actors except Margaret from Pie in the Sky. The movie had it all, it was funny, sad at times and had a good ending.

At the end, it gave details about the actual band and what they had done. Good movie, I enjoyed it.

Monday 18 November 2019


Yay, finished.

$3 bought from an op shop gave a months worth of entertainment.

Friday 15 November 2019

A Sneaky Cache

At Burnette Heads, we went for a short drive to another beach that had a lonely cache on it, it was also the start of the turtle trail.

Damn, we saw no dogs on the walking path, then we realised that our GPS compass was pointing to the beach.

Ahha, we didn't need to go on the path, it was a lonely tree we were looking for.
We searched all around the tree, the hint said look for a root of a different kind.
 So many air roots this tree had and we decided that we couldnt see it.
The owner emailed me and gave an extra hint as he had been to check that it was still there, told me to look for the empty bottle.

I went back and yep there is was.
I pulled it out and there it was with the cache glued into the bottom of it. Such a great feeling of achievement I send a email of thanks back to the owner. This was the last one in the area so we had found the other five.

Wednesday 13 November 2019

Blood Donations

Warren and I were at the doctors yesterday, we just needed a repeat of our scripts so we made appointments one after the other and went in together. Warren mentioned that he was giving blood in the afternoon and Emma our doctor who looks about twenty told us that she can't donate as she was in the UK in the nineties because of Mad Cow disease.

Wow, never to donate. Therefore she is older than twenty!

Warren said he was up to 26 donations but it's far more than that as we started donating in Melbourne and donated in Canberra and even in China plus here, it's 26 times here.

I don't donate any more as the last time I did  about seven years ago, I fainted. That was not a good feeling.

One time when I was working for defence, there was a competition between Army and Air force to donate the most blood. A group of us donated on the first day available and then we went into the main office on the last day, therefore getting in two donations each.

Army won hands down but it was a good way to build up needed supplies. 

I made sure that we had steak for dinner the night before.

Tuesday 12 November 2019

Basil and Vine

I wanted to go for morning coffee last Friday as neither of us have any commitments on Fridays. We did have the camper van to put away and I suggested that we went in half hour of putting that to bed. As it is Nanowrimo and I wanted to write a few more words in case I didn't get back to it.

Because of these things we were a little later leaving than we wanted to and lunch was starting in ten minutes. Oh, blow it we would make it lunch.

Oh my goodness, the menu was reasonably extensive with pastas, pizzas and salad. We had seen a pic on face book of one dish which looked pretty good. Warren ordered the strawberry, fig and prosciutto salad and I ordered the pear, walnut and blue cheese salad, oh yum!

On mine the pears were slightly warmed. It was a hot day and the cafe was open on one side giving the feeling of eating outside but it was not hot, I don't know how they managed that.
This was Warren's
This was mine.
It wasn't cheap but don't mind paying higher if it's worth it. We both had an iced coffee and it was $48 altogether. It wasn't far from home either, another bonus. We will go back.

Monday 11 November 2019

New Authors to read

I read a lot and I am at the library every two to three weeks depending on what else is going on in our lives. A haul from the library is usually eight books at a time. I borrow the large print books and have done for years because I read mainly at night and the larger print is easier to read. 

I had Louise Perry recommended to me and last time at the library while looking for one of hers, I was in a different section.

My reading genre is primarily crime or murder mysteries. Anyway I picked up two books and the burb at the back of the book sounded interesting. Its rare that I dont finish a book but some just dont live up to the promises or the time line is very out. That annoys me and has caused me to stop reading.

However the two books that I got would be describes as thrillers I think, there were some deaths and potential murders but they were so well written. I have been known to stay reading until the early hours of the morning to get to the end and these two were like that.
They have both written other books and I will be looking out for them in the future.

Sunday 10 November 2019

An Early morning walk with Lucy.

I woke up at 5.15am and wandered over to the toilets, when I came back, there was Miss Lucy sitting outside waiting for me. I felt quite awake so I figured I might as well take her for a walk.

We headed out the front and long the road.
 This was what I saw, there were about a dozen kangaroos of all sizes. I headed towards the beach before Lucy saw them or vice versa.

The caravan park was named after the lighthouse and the top of it had been moved there. The bottom was still at the waters edge as it was too heavy to move.

A few yachts were just heading out past the breakwater. After our little stroll, I left Lucy outside the camper watching the park start to wake while I went back to bed for a couple more hours sleep.

Thursday 7 November 2019

Iced coffee with a difference

Travelling back home on Tuesday, we stopped off at the Matilda service station. This is Matilda the winking eye kangaroo from the Coomonwealth games. The servo is longer on the main highway but we needed fuel as well as a break so made a point to find it.

Warren was going to get the eats but he couldn't find his wallet! Humm!

I went in and getting him an iced coffee saw two for $6, not one to pass up a bargain, I bought the two. Also bought Warren a takeaway trifle. He had beentalking about trifle on the way up and I reminded him that the last time I made one, noone else ate it and it got thrown out after three days.

The coffee was good but there was a difference taste to it, then I read it. Iced coffee with the flavour of Bungaberg Rum. Oops, Warren hadn't drunk any of his yet so we studies the contents and luckily it was only flavour, no alcohol. Tasted great though.

Saturday 2 November 2019


We visited Beerwah a couple of weeks ago, usually we drive past on our way further north but we were close by and Warren wanted to visit the local op shop to buy a jigsaw.

What a nice town, well set out with some quirks.
There were a couple of sets of these plus a larger one, maybe they had been visited by aliens. The flowers in the street were nice too.
Warren was able to buy two puzzles for a couple of dollars each.
I have been writing today and up to 6045, not bad for the second day

Friday 1 November 2019

All happening at once, it seems

So we had Halloween, start of Nanowrimo, trip to the beach and rain.
We left to go to an event for Halloween last night and we had had no callers but a couple of kids were going past as we opened the garage door, we gave them a hand full of sweets that we were taking with us. I normally buy small packets of chips and ice blocks instead of lollies but because we were going out I didnt. I did make my little ghosties but forgot to take them out I know they have gone to a good home.
The suburb where we went  was crawling with kids, never seen so many dressed up before. Home at nine to do a little packing.

It's my writing weekend to start Nanowrimo. We travelled and set up, just got inside the camper and the rain started. No annex up yet, the car fridge was working too well, the frozen meal that I had put in there was still rock solid. In a break in the rain ventured forth to the local shops which google told us was only 340 metres away to buy fish and chips. Fish mornay will have to wait until tomorrow.

In between showers Warren got the annex up while I set up the table and computer inside, finally writing the first word at six pm, very late start for me. I had had thoughts about what I was going to write so I wasn't stressed. Eight o'clock Lucy decided she needed a walk so her and I wandered down the street and back again, then I finished off my writing for the day, 1748 words done so well on track.