Tuesday 27 February 2018


I find trees are quite interesting, different shapes. We have two trees in our garden, same type, one was put in about a week after we moved in. The other about two years or three years later. We moved into the house in 2003, so the first has been there for fifteen years, the second one maybe twelve or thirteen years old.

They are maybe eight metres apart. Older one is in the side garden, younger one in the front.

Older one is massive and has been for a long time, over the roof of the house, has been trimmed several times, gives a lot of shade. Younger one is maybe just over a metre high, never flowered and looks very scrawny. The second one was put in to shade part of the front of the house, but that has never happened.

Anyway, Lucy and I saw a very interesting shaped tree on our walk last week, I am not sure if I have captured it well enough but one branch had doubled over and is growing out the other side. It doesnt appear to have been broken and then grown but it may have and healed itself.

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