Monday 19 February 2018


Its a good time to do it just after returning from being away as one has done without things so it stands to reason that those things are not really needed.

When there is lots of space it is just so easy to put things there in that space to think about another day. Well that day has come although it will take more than one day.

My plan was to get rid of things/stuff (dongxi in Chinese which I like the sound of) from our bedroom, it had become quite cluttered over the years. Surely we dont need two bedside cupboards, admittedly they weren't along side of the bed but they were still there. Our excuse was when we changed beds from a suite about six years ago, we lost the drawers that were in the other bed, there was two drawers on each side of the bed.

We had had three cane cupboards put together to form a set of six drawers, well we got rid of one cupboard but kept the other two.

I cleared mine and removed it from the room and then we went and bought the new bed which needed more room. as there was only one day inbetween buying it and it being delivered, we had to move fast and empty the bedroom. Not sure if it was a good thing or not, i guess it did point out to bothof us just what was in the room and how much we didnt use.

Two bookcases were emptied, all books are now on the floor of the study but the pile is getting smaller over time. Now that we are looking at them, we know we no longer want to keep them or that we would not read them again.

Clothes are being sorted through and either moved on or out. I have to go out later and so I am taking the opportunity to load the car to take to the Op shop. Its good to pack it up but the final thing is to get it out of the house.

Happy to say that bedroom only has one bed, two bedside cupboards, one dressing table. With less junk in there, it is easier to keep tidy.

I expect to be going into March and still decluttering but thats okay, I can live with doing a little bit each day.

I have found interesting stuff though, like seven empty shoe boxes, a lot of stuff comes under the heading of why do we have that?

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