Tuesday 6 February 2018

Stones Green Ginger Wine

Warren and I are still not 100%, not exactly sick but certainly not feeling the best. He has a racking cough and this afternoon went to the little shop to pick up some throat logenzes.
He bought a bottle of this home as well. We have had it before and it does seem to have helped so we had a small glass and then a sleep this afternoon. It is pretty strong stuff and especially when we hardly drink.
Several years ago I was very sick with a cold, Warren was away somewhere as usual and that night I felt like something to drink. All we had in the house was half a bottle of this that someone had brought to a party and left. I had a glass and went to bed. Woke up feeling great, went to work and people couldnt beleive that i was there as I had been so sick the day before. Since then it has been our goto when we are under the weather, hopefully it will work its magic tonight as well as I am sick of not feeling great.

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