Thursday 8 February 2018

A Grubby Little Boy

Its not often that I think that but that was what came in my mind last night.

There was "breaking news" last night on the news. It showed a picture of a pregnant woman on the front page of a paper and said something about Barnaby (nit sure how to spell it) but with a name like that it can only be about our deputy prime minister.

The media of course were talking about him having an affair then there was the interview with his wife.

The whole story as such as we know is, he and his wife had split early last year. The pregnant woman had been one of his staff but she left his office about fifteen months ago. They are now living together and are expectong a child together.

All politicans who were questioned  said, it is his private life and did not concern his career, which I thought was very good of them until the last guy.

He just had to be smutty and with a wink and a nod, make comment about Barnaby hadnt done something that should have been done by a certain date, went on to say "Oh, well, we know what he has been doing instead" that was when I thought what a grubby little boy!

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