Tuesday 13 February 2018

Early morning gardening

We just had to go to Bunnings this morning. Not happy with our reading lights in the bedroom. Warren had made some nice compact fluro lights several years ago but they had fallen apart and so went in the bin. I had grabbed the two bed lights from the guest room but find to use them properly, one had to lean over on one side.

We decided to go to Bunnings to "see" what they had, Warren's, I fully intended to buy something better than what we were using. We ended up with pretty much the same as we had had. Quite happy with the way they worked so why change.

I had said to Warren a couple of weeks ago that next time we are at Bunnings, I wanted an eggplant plant, we had had a couple sometime ago and it was great to be able to go and pick one from the garden. It was hot even though we went early and there were heaps of people there.

Well, we got our lights and I went to the garden centre, saw some basil and some capsicum, then I saw the eggplants. Opps came home with all three. Warren had said that if I bought them, they couldnt sit around for a few days until they dried out and then died. No, no, I assured him, I would plant them.

Trimmed the existing basil which had gone to seed and was blocking the sun from the solar panel, then I planted the rest. Each punnet had six plants in them, eighteen little holes I had to dig! They are in and watered. I feel exhausted and its only 10.30 in the morning. Thank goodness the Olympics are on so we can relax and watch them.

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