Thursday 22 February 2018

Night grocery shopping

Seems like a good idea. We had been considering an ice cream for after dinner which meant a trip to the little shop as we dont usually have any at home. Warren happened to say that he was out of yoghurt and there was also no bananas. He has both for breakfast.

I looked at the time, 6.45 pm and grabbed my tablet to check opening/closing times. The grocery store where I usually go was open til 9 pm, bonus. "Lets go, we can shop tonight rather than tomorrow and you dont miss your breakfast stuff"

Got all that we needed and a bit more besides or that wasnt on the list and went to check outs. None were open, not one! Move to the self serve, out of the four three were being used and one was out of service. Great! I hate those things anyway! But there was no choice.

Warren has used them and he said he would do it, Grrrrr, it seems just about every second item, the machine says call an operator. They came over and pressed a button so we could continue. Eight times, I counted for eighteen items! What a joke especially when after payment, the machine stated, "Thank you for using the fast lane". We both made the comment that it certainly wasnt fast to go self service.

I will stick to shopping during day light hours and use a check out operator, thank you very much!

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