Wednesday 14 February 2018

I needed some elastic

To finish a project that I was working on, so I drove to Spotlight to buy some. As I walked in, I saw tables of quilt covers for 40%. What a bargain!

As we had talked about buying a king sized bed, I wondered over to the tables to see if there were king sized sets there. Mainly queens and doubles but I looked and looked and looked some more. I did see a black set with rather ornate gold stitching, hum, I do like black but I couldnt see that set being in our room. Next one was jade, very nice but again it would not fit with anything we have, so I kept looking, coming to the last few. Snatched it up and went to buy the elastic.

Telling Warren over lunch, he uttered those fateful words "Do you want to go and look at some beds?" Sh........ yes! We had decided that we would wait until the middle of the year, why? Icant remember why. He said that we need to visit at least three places before making a final choice. We bought in the second place.

We bought a new bedroom suite about five or six years ago and are quite happy with that we just wanted a king bed and a mattress to fit it.
so so comfy.

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