Thursday 20 April 2017


Woomera was a hush hush place when we were kids, everyone knew about it but no-one was real sure that went on there. It was a missile testing centre in conjunction with America and Britain.

We were ten k off the road so we turned in.
There is only way in and one way out and roads were all set out in a very regimental manner. We headed to the Museum, there were some items on display but not a great deal of information.
  We think this one is a Canberra Bomber but there was nothing to tell us that. We saw a couple of carloads doing what we were doing, walking and looking but the place was almost like a ghost town, no cars, no people, nothing. There was a school, an area school but Sth Australia is still on school holidays no one there.
We have planned to have lunch but I dont think there was anything there.

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