Wednesday 26 April 2017

Cold and wet Melbourne!

We had some showers coming in Melbourne but an hour or so after arriving the rain really set in and it was cold! Rained pretty much on and off all day yesterday, the news reported that it did hold off for the Dawn service, well, I 'm not real sure where they were but rain seemed to be everywhere, puddles and wind.

Two hours it took us to get out of Melbourne with on and off showers of rain and boy oh boy was it cold.

Being April and going from Queensland to Alice Springs I wasnt even going to put in a jumper! warren told me that it was better to have extra than be cold so I grabbed one at the last minute. Thank goodness i did. The heater in the ute has been on all day and instead of buying a cold drink, its been hot coffee or chocolate. The A/C in the van has been slotted alongside the bed and the heater is out. Snow was forecast for the East of Melbourne overnight.

Funny how a few days can change things that one does or wears.

I fel that we are on our way home and I will be glad to get warmer.

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