Saturday 1 April 2017

Out to Lunch

We are in limbo because of Cyclone Debbie. Our house sitters were to arrive yesterday afternoon for a hand over and then we were to leave this morning.

They have been down south and the roads are cut so they cannot get here at the moment. They hoped to be here today but roads are still out. Roads were to open this afternoon but they will be chocked with cars and people trying to get to where ever they want to go.

They and us are hoping that they can leave tomorrow morning and then we will probably leave in the afternoon. We are not booked in anywhere until Sunday 9th of April.

The van is all packed well except a couple of last minute things, food has gone or in caravan so I said to Warren that we needed to go out for lunch. he got a bit suspicious and asked if there was an ulterior motive, yes, no food that I want to unpack.

He only wanted to go to the mall to have Chinese. I got a rice roll full of salad, thin noodles and three prawns, not bad for $2.90. The mall's eating area was full and we had to play spot the empty table.

Just realised that I have to find something for dinner but there is some salad stuff in house fridge and potatoes plus heaps of fish in the freezer so home made fish and chips. I didn't pack any fish to take away as it thaws too quick and am a bit worried about changing from electricity to battery or gas.

All the washing is done except what we are wearing, everything is clean and tidy, even my sewing room and while I would love to go and sew, I am a messer when I sew so it would need to be cleaned and tidied again, so TV and reading is the only thing available to do. Thank goodness footy is back.

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