Driving back, we both thought that it was possible a cache was in this dead tree on the side of the road. There were also tyre tracks to show that some else had stopped there.
Sheri says well off you go, so I got out of the car and stepped through the long damp green grass. nothing at the tree and I headed to another tree nearby, I looked down and saw what I thought was a man's rubber boot and then I saw the other one.
I was wearing closed in shoes but my foot was only about a foot away. I hot footed it out of there. I know that one should just stand still but i think that is if they are moving.it is my first snake that I have seen here in Queensland so in fourteen years thats very low sightings.
we ventured back into suburbia and when looking on a bridge, a three inch lizard or gecko run along in front of me and apparently i yelled and moved quicker than I had for the snake!
Warren assurred me when i got home and described the markings thast it was only a carpet snake and therefore non venomous. I often wonder about snakes when out and about but as it was cool and damp, I did not even think about it yesterday, he was probably coiled to keep warm.
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