Wednesday 26 April 2017

Water wastage!

Nothing annoys me more, I think it must have been my upbringing. As we lived in a houseful of five and we were reliant on rain water, there could be not wastage.

We didnt have a shower at first and so we used a bath and that could only be filled to about four inches deep, just enough to wash in. We had a drop toilet so no water was used there and the washing was done in a big tub with the whites washed first then colours then the dirty clothes, dad was a mechanic so his overalls were always last.

In the last week, I have "fixed" three toilets and one running tap. The toilets were constantly running, one had the button pressed in and it had stayed in, an easy fix, give it a sharp push, it went in again and then popped out and then stopped running, the other two were similar, with a bit of a thump. The tap just needed to be turned off a bit harder.

I shudder to think how much water could have run away. Not sure if other people dont care or dont know what to do, but at least I stopped some water being wasted.

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