Wednesday 19 April 2017

Coober Pedy

Coming in here yesterday

Very stark landscape

We did a tour this morning, first up with the underground Church.
A house built into the hill, the black things are the breather pipes
A putting green on the golf course, players are given a piece of carpet to hit off from as a tee can not been put into the ground.
Slag heaps
As we were on a tour we were able to drive over the mine area and this hole was just on the side of the vehicle.
Lounge room of an underground house
Me using a walking pole as a walking stick. I wasnt sure that I was going to be able to go as one of my ankles is a bit gammy at the moment. Sunday I was climbing over rocks and stuff and while I dont recall hurting it, Monday morning it was quite painful to walk on. If I keep it elevated the swelling goes down so I am trying to stay off it as much as possible. I didnt go down the mine as that would have been too much walking. Hopefully my ankle will return to normal in a day or two. 

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