Saturday 6 December 2014


I know I know, its gets to all of us sometimes. I had not slept that well on Thursday night, something had woken me after about 40 minutes of sleep and then of course the body thinks "Hey, you're been asleep, wakey wakey" and I couldnt get back to sleep. Finally at 1am I took a sleeping tablet but that didnt do any good, I last remember looking at the clock at 3.30am I must have gone to sleep after that. The alarm woke me at 6.15 (I have a second one at 6.23) and I got up then, it did seem a long day luckily there was cloud cover for most of the day so not as hot as it had been.

On the first leg on the trip home it rained and looked like hail again so I stayed for a coffee until the rain had passed. Note on the table when i got home "I'm out, cooking dinner"in code that meant that house husband was out buying take away for our evening meal and ten minutes he turned up with a very nice Lamb Korma and naan bread.

I was watching Bargain hunters on TV and decided that the couch looking rather inviting and unfortunately I missed the end of the show  to see if they made a profit or not.Bummer!

Went to bed at 8pm and slept til 5.30am this morning, hopefully I have caught up.

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