Sunday 14 December 2014

Sunday drives

Last Sunday Warren suggested we go out to lunch when I asked him what he wanted for lunch. Not one to knock back a meal out with no preparation or cleaning up afterwards and off we went to a seaside tavern. Very pleasant meal, I had Nacos and they were a bit different that I have had before. It was more like a light sauce made with tomatoes, onions and a meat sauce.

Today we had lunch at home and I started to do some sewing in the sewing room but didn't really feel like it, even though the weather was cool. I think my sewing room needs a lot of tidying and that makes it a bit depressing. I said to Warren that I felt like going somewhere just for a drive so we found ourselves on the road to Wamuram, we went the back way and it rained all the way. The back way is windy and a smaller road but of course less traffic and through country side rather than city driving. A cup of coffee and a shared treat set us up for the rest of the day.

Since being home, I have tidied a couple of cupboards, so just what I needed a change of scenery.

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