Monday 1 December 2014

nano no 2

It was the last day of Nano yesterday being the 30th of Nov and Nano being National Novel writing Month. I wrote 3k words of Saturday afternoon leaving me just under a thousand to make the deadline of 50K but I had come to a standstill. Sunday morning I was up early (for me anyway) as on waking i knew how I was going to finish. In an hour I had done the required amount to become a winner but my story wasn't finished so I did another 800 or so to tie  the ends together and finish where I wanted to be. 50,764 words in the end.

I don't intend to look at my novel until Jan giving me a month away from it. Although the organizers advise not to edit as you go, I do a little but there will be a lot more editing that needs to be done.

This is the third book in a trilogy and I want to get them published as one book, making around 160K words over the last three years.

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