Sunday 14 December 2014

Christmas shopping!

I try to avoid the shops a the this time of the year but I did have one gift to post so toodled off early yesterday,phew not early enough. There was a line up at the post office that went out the door. Luckily they had some-one who was helping to use the self service booth and as I only had one thing to do, she took me over there and did that for me. Jumped about five people in the queue.

Had a few other things to do to finish Christmas shopping, in all I visited five places and it took me two hours  any other time of the year, it would have been 30 minutes.

Actually the bank took the longest, I just wanted some information and was expecting to be able to pick up a brochure but they were in crisis as the terminals were down and there were lots of staff helping people to use the ATM's and laptops inside the bank to assess accounts on-line. I didn't realise that the info I wanted was on-line. Cant remember the last time  I went into that bank, as i use ATMs

Wrapped Chrissy presents yesterday and thankfully it is all done except for food shopping.

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