Sunday 28 December 2014

Boxing Day Sales

Not one to go to these sales however we did brave the crowds as we decided to finally buy a small Air Con for our bedroom. It has been on the cards for awhile and after a night of having trouble sleeping because of the heat, we thought that it was  time to spend the money and get comfortable.
We did toy with the idea of a portable A/C but the salesman said that we might as well take the money and throw it out of the window, he also told us that the 1.6 that we were thinking about wouldn't
be big enough so we went up to 2.5, which meant it was heavier and harder to install. This was the window where it was to go. Warren cut out the window tract and then put a base plate in.
Warren cutting the base plate in marine ply as it will be outside in the weather.
The bracing etc outside.
All done and now to do something with the thick curtain. Warren suggested putting the curtain on rings so we could pull it across when in use and closed when no longer needed. A trip to Spotlight to buy curtains and they had massive sales so I did pick up a few other things as well. I washed the curtain while I was shopping which turned out to be a mistake! As the curtain was block out when washed the block out stuff stuck to each other and warren and I got a good work out pulling it apart. I trimmed the curtain and then cut a small piece to cover the top, it looked okay.
This morning though the curtain looked awful as where the block out had stuck and come away the sun was shining through it and it looked like gun shot had gone through it. Back to Spotlight and luckily the curtain materials were still on 40% off.  
We now have two curtains, one short to cover the wood work above the unit and another one on rings that we can pull  across in summer and in winter it can be pulled right across the unit. As I bought more material than I needed, I replaced the curtains in the on suite as well. No longer have curtains in our bedroom that match but at least the the little windows do match.

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