Monday 29 December 2014

I learnt a new word today.

No its not a swear word. Its Farkles, I am guessing this is how to spell it. Tonight after spending all day in the house cleaning and then sewing I suggested we go somewhere, it was 8pm so our choices were limited. I suppose there is always the pub but as we are not pub people, we headed to the service centre on the highway and had a coffee and shared a slice.

Warren made the statement "I'm going to get some farkles for archery" I looked at him and said "What did you say?" thinking that I couldn't have heard right as it was a bit noisy, he repeated his statement and sure enough he Did say "Farkles". My next question was "What are farkles?"

He then went on to explain that it/they are bling for blokes. Something eye catching or showy to add to men's things like motor bikes or arrows or even cars.

I think the "farkles" that he wants to get for his arrows are different and bright colours so he can pick them out quickly from others.

"Farkles!" must check out the dick tom and harry

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