Saturday 29 March 2014

Trimming an Easter Hat.

It's a little early for Easter but my Red Hats group have our meeting/gathering/get together on the first Tuesday of the month and April being Easter, we are having an Easter hat next week. Usually I leave things to the last minute but surprise surprise, I am ready and it is completely done, who says that you can;t teach an old dog new tricks. A friend gave me a hat, she had picked up three or four cheaply, so I didn't feel at all guilty about adding to it.
This what I started with, first I pulled off the character. I got all my supplies together, had to rummage in my sewing room but eventually found the bits and pieces that I wanted.
crafty stuff.
With trusty glue gun, I added some red material, this was to help hold the "nest" and the eggs, pegs come in handy to keep it in place while the glue dries.

This is the end result, so I have a trimmed hat for Easter and best of all, it didn't cost me a cent (although, yes, I had spent money on the craft things originally. 

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