Wednesday 26 March 2014

Electric jugs!

Last Saturday while we were at Lake Boondoonma, Warren had boiled the jug and made me a coffee for breakfast as per usual. A couple were visiting the camp site and wanted some info so they had wandered over and were chatting to us, I continued to drink my coffee and I thought hat Warren must have put sugar in it, I drink it weak and black. The taste got the better of me and the last half was too bad to drink. After the people left, I asked him if he had put sugar in it, he said that as he wasn't having sugar any more, (a recent change)so we hadn't packed any, I had forgotten that. I suggested that he try my coffee to see what was wrong with it. He agreed that it tasted a bit funny and told me to make another one, which I did and still the taste was there.

Talking about it and checking the cupboard where we keep the jug, we discovered the packet of softly that we had put in there to keep it smelling nicely. Yep the inside of the jug smelt just the same. As our camper is a fold down one and therefore shut up when not in use, I worry that it is going to smell musty. There is only a couple of cupboards in it. One holds plates and cups and cooking stuff the other has jug, toaster, gas stoves and lights, plus a kettle for when we go without power.

We used the kettle on the gas for the rest of the trip and binned the jug.

Arriving home, I boiled the jug in between unpacking the car, a sit down with a cup of coffee was welcome after packing up and then driving four hours home and unpacking again.

The next morning, Warren who is always up before me, tells me that he had lifted the lid of the jug to fill it, very unusual, and he had found a cockroach inside it. He did say that it was dead! He had washed it out,

boiled and rinsed several times and said that his coffee tasted alright. I made mine in the microwave, as soon as the shops were open, I headed out to buy new ones, one for home and one for the camper. Last time I bought one they were priced at $9 on special, yesterday they were $7.50 each, I didn't care, I wasn't going to use a jug that had had a cockroach in it, dead or alive.

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! I found a very stiff spider in an electric jug once after boiling it.
    I bet you'll be checking the inside of your jugs EVERY time from now on.
