Thursday 27 March 2014

An easy meatless dinner

I like to have a meatless meal every now and then, it fits in with the budget and I do think that we (humans)eat too much meat. Coming home the other day after camping, I was catching up with emails, blogs I read and a couple of forum,s I usually spend the first hour after breakfast doing this but four days worth takes awhile.

Anyway on one of the forums, a recipe had been posted for Honey dipped Pumpkin, I read the recipe in full and thought that sounds good and even better, I had not taken any meat out of the freezer, had most of the ingredients needed and a neighbour had given us some pumpkin a few days before so what else could I make for dinner?

The recipe called for 300 gms of penne pasta, wow that sounded a lot so I cooked the same as I would normally cook for us. I didnt weigh the pumpkin but just cut up the piece I had into bite sized pieces. Some oil, honey (oops I forgot, used the last not to worry there was Maple syrup) garlic, humm must have used that too, sweet chilli sauce and a bit of ginger sauce will do. Mixed together and over the pumpkin and roast. I went to the garden and picked parsley, basil and spring onion and chopped finely (they were in the recipe!)

Drained the pasta added the pumpkin with the rest of the sauce, added some grated cheese, recipe had called for 100gms of ricotta but I thought grated cheese would do just as well. folded thru the chopped herbs, bit more cheese on top and that was dinner done.

Out of ten, I would have given it about a 6, pumpkin should have been cooked/roasted a few minutes longer, forgot to add the pine nuts, I did have some in the cupboard and yes the ricotta would have been better than grated cheese. Would I make it again, yes with the ricotta and pine nuts, it was tasty, different and filling. Oh by the way, I checked the recipe later and it was for six people, thank goodness I cut down on the pasta and oil. I rarely make a recipe strictly to the letter, I add a bit or delete something, I use recipe as an idea and then go from there. Next time I would probably add some greens as well, either beans or peas, to beef up the vege and add to the colour.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds interesting, Vicki, and love the photos. Great stuff.
