Tuesday 25 March 2014

Lake Boondoonma

A few weeks ago I reminded Warren that we promised ourselves that when we retired we would take off for a few days every six weeks or so. The last time we went somewhere was in November and it has been hot so we decided on the last weekend in March. We got out the mapand camping books and chose a spot, I thought only a couple of hours from home but Warren saw a place which he thought would be nice. AFL tickets came up and we bought three day games in Brisbane, the first being on yep,you guessed it 30 March, when we were going to go away. easy fixed we just brought our camping trip forward a week.

As we do have commitments through the week, even though they are social, we tried to fit around them so we went from Friday to Tuesday, Warren would miss one session of tennis. I packed all our food for the four days as well as lunch and coffee to have on the way.

Our Navman keep wanting us to take small goat track roads which we didn't so we continued on the road, unfortunately we had only packed the Camping book not a map book. Following the bitumen road, we ended up on top of a mountain and then the road went into dirt, we retracedour tracks. Finally we got there, determined to change the settings on the GPS.

Although we had rang and booked a spot, the park put us into the old park or over flow which was about 4kms away on a cliff looking over the lake. Hummmm, about twenty other vans there and all the facilities were three toilets and two showers, no kiosk, no picnic tables, no playground (that didn't concern us)no boat ramp, no camp kitchen, and no access to the water and no discount for having to drive four kms to these. Oh I forgot, as mentioned on the web site there was a tennis court in our part, we had packed the racquets and ventured over. The painted lines were pretty worn, the net was a cobbled together with cables ties and there was holes in the asphalt plus a few/lot of weeds growing through it, in other words unusable.

The next morning we made our way to the kiosk to buy a fishing license and bait and bread if they had some, cost us $22 for those three things. Sunday we went into the nearest big town but as it was Sunday most things were closed. We did manage to get fuel thank goodness and found Joe's dam, not going to try to spell his name! Premier of Qld, we sat and watched skiers while we ate our packed lunch.

It was quite hot and the camper is not the coolest thing around so we decided to return home a day early, even though we had paid for four nights. I said to Warren that we need to research our places better and next time it would be my choice. We did get the chance to relax and do very little with no phones or computer so it wasn't all lost. Many people were there but they were mad fisher people who had boats and were going out to net red claw. Didn't
even take any photos. This is our camper taken elsewhere but the set up is the same.

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