Friday 7 March 2014

Ginger factory

I love the ginger sauces and if we dont have visitors to take there, we go up there about every six months or so. It was a good excuse to go and kill two birds with one stone as it were. A morning out, yummy scones and top up the pantry with some ginger sauce.

I use it quite a bit in cooking, either sweet and sour meals or one scones even in hot drinks, nothing like a spoonful of ginger sauce topped up with boiling water for a great hot drink when I dont feel like a coffee.

Highway was busy as usual, I sometimes wonder where all these people are going and why, it was mid week for goodness sake, surely they werent all going the same place, although the Ginger factory was a bit busy.

First point of call was the cafe, they have ginger scones with ginger jam and cream with a coffee for $7, bargain! after we visited a couple of shops, didnt go into the fudge place as I know that I definately didnt need any fudge, chocolate or sweets of any kind. did buy some soaps and essentails oils for the next time I make soap.

Walked thru the gardens, always pleasant no matter what the weather is like, nice and shady with a couple of water spouts.

On to the main shop where i bought 6 bottles of sauce and a couple of jams, all up it cost us $65 for the day and the scones were so big and tasty that we passed on lunch , did have an earlier dinner though.

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