Wednesday 19 March 2014

Home made ice cream

Warren is gluten intolerant and most commercial ice creams are out for him plus before we knew what was causing his migraines, we had cut out a lot of prepared foods,ice cream being one of those.

I stumbled across a recipe for ice cream the other day, so easy but as usual I adapted it to suit me.

Recipe called for 600 mls of whipping cream and 2/3 cup of condensed milk, whip together with vanilla pod and essence. vanilla is not something that I have in my pantry so I used fresh passion fruit instead.

Yum, is all I can say, I didn't know what I would do with the rest of the tin of condensed milk so I used it all.

Only one whipping, Don't want to think about the calories but really only need a small spoonful on top of something for a sweet treat. I will be making it again for sure.

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