Tuesday 6 August 2013

Three days days on my own, Bliss!

I dont think that I had spent a night alone in this house before, thats in ten years! It was bliss to be able to get up at what time suited me and have meals etc when it suited me. Not that my other half is demanding that meals and coffee at served at an exact time but I do usually consider or obsreve mealtimes regard of what I am doing at the time. No car available to me either which meant I stayed home or walked. I chose to stay home and get some projects at least started.

I have a huge stash of material and craft "stuff" that I want to trim down, I have ditched some stuff. My plan is to make cot quilts for CF babies with materials that I have, hummm, thought I had lots but not all is suitable. However i am going to work with what I have got to make a start. First one is blue as I have more blue material than anything else, a pattern in a book caught my eye so of course, I need to try it. Sme is handsewing so it wont be a quick projecto. Knitting while the footy is on and I got three done over the weekend.

Biker arrived back home in one piece for a late dinner and my time was over. It was an enjoyable time but nice to get back to "normal"

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