Saturday 27 July 2013

Acheivements of the day

Yesterday warren woke me with a cup of coffee, nothing unusual about that except that he followed it with a request! he needed help to lift the bike on the camper. What time is it was my question, just after 8am, I grumbled that the bike ride didnt start til the next day. My job is really just to hold the bike and make sure that it goes and stays in the slot. That done, I go back inside for my breakfast. "Err, I need some help to put the camper on the car" I wasnt dressed at this stage and figured that i couldnt care who saw me in my PJs.

Finally he left at 9am. i did some dreaded h/w, annoying but no-one else to do it. Then started on little jobs that i had wanted to get done. By the end of the day when I sat to watch the footy, I had tidied the guest room, vacced the front rooms, unpacked a box that was delivered during the day and put everything of mine away, it was mostly my stuff. Found and did some more mending, decorated my hat, striped another camper mag on the interesting articles, pulled some weeds from the garden. Prepared another strip for my quilt and handstiched that. It was really nice to be able to do things on my time and not have to worry about anyone else.

Hope to have another day where I get a lot done, a vest for me and some carry bags for Operation shoebox is on todays plan.

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