Thursday 22 August 2013


Hubby and I went to a seniors information session at a local museum this week. I thought that it would be info on where, how and when we could use our pension card, what servises were available etc etc.

What we found out is there is a big difference in seniors! We went in a group of red hats, six ladies and three husbands, I was the youngest and the oldest will be 65 next month. Then there was the other side with many walkers and carers. It cost $10 and we were invited to have morning tea first. Tea, coffee and creamy cakes, all well and good except if one is watching ones weigh.

Old fashioned music (from WW2 was being played), the MC got things going about 15 minutes late and couldnt seem to remember peoples names. First was a Police Officer and he asked what we thought was the biggest crime against seniors. Assault, snach and grab,robberies were mentioned and he assured everyone that over 55's were in the lowest percentage for those but computer fraud was the highest. He then went on to explain that one shouldnt give passwords and details over the net. Our group all use computer banking except one and fully aware of the dangers and pitfalls. The rest of the people I doubt would touch a computer.

Each presenter had aboit fifteen minutes and between them was the singalongs with music and songs that were old when I was little!

Someone spoke from the hearing and someone from the medic alert were one wears a pendant with an alarm, history of pigeons in the war and then a bush poet. Three hours all up! we have decided that seventy should be the new seniors! 

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