Thursday 22 August 2013

Closed our mortgage account today

Dadaaaa! Several years we opened a bank account that we thought we would be able to use in China. Not to be as it turned out so we used it to pay our mortgage instead. The branch is in Sunnybank, a long way from us. as we have finished with the mortgage, we have no further use for the account but has to direct the money elsewhere first.

A hour trip, had lunch (of course) and then a quick trip into the bank and walked out with a bit of cash and less bank accounts, an end of an era.

Dropped in to look at something in the reject shop, didnt buy that but bought a bit of other stuff as well. Home to relax. We were very good at lunch, sharing a plate of food and a drink, cost? just $10. After we had done what we needed to do, I suggested coffee and of course hubby askes for cake as well $14!ian

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