Sunday 25 August 2013

Passionfruit butter

our vine is producing heaps of fruit and we have used them in desserts, over ice cream and given some away. Yesterday I saw a recipe for passionfruit butter so today i made it. I needed 12 and only had six left in the fridge so went looking for more, only one was down so I made half quality instead. supposed to use a double boiler which i have never owned but I di have stainless mixing bowls. It only took about fifteen minutes to make and looked and smelt pretty good.

Silly me, I told warren I would make scones for afternoon tea! Have not been successful with scones, the last lot I remember making were like rock cakes. Couldnt be bothered finding a recipe, how hard can they be?  So I throw some flour in a bowl and an egg and some milk, very dry so I decided to melt some butter, more milk. Then I remember that Mum used to roll the scone mixture out like bread and then cut into shapes, so i did that.

Slow oven, about 160, I usually go to 200 for everything but I read somewhere that 160/180 is enough for fan forced, I didnt want to burn the tops. OMG were they any good topped with the passionfruit butter it was very decadent! (Someone, who will remain nameless has just come looking for more, but I was clever and put the left overs in the freezer for later in the week). 

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