Wednesday 28 August 2013

Flavourstone cookware

I am always a bit wary of things advertised on TV, you know the ones that show this and promise the world. A few weeks ago, I did stop and watch a cookware demo and it seemed amazing. I posed a question on the SS forum, if anyone had them and what did they think. Some-one came back and said they had bought a non stick frypan from Big W which was working well for them. I checked it out and it looked preety similar and bought one, parting with $59. It is good and I di use it a lot but I wanted more.

I hate using the oven to cook roasts as it is a floor one and lifting a hot pan with a chicken and vegetables is not my idea of fun. If I could buy a roaster or Dutch oven that would cook on the stove top that would be sweet. Visited many places looking for such an item, no luck.

On the weekend, Hubby saw the ad and told me to ring them so I did. Just arrived this morning, I unpacked, washed and seasoned them, then thought I would try one of the things that they do on TV. Melted cheese straight into the pan. I didnt use as much as they did and added some ham, put a wrap on top and twisted it then flipped it out. OMG it worked and the pan was as clean as a whistle, just needed a wipe out. Looking forward to cooking more and clearing out my old saucepans, they are going straight to the bin.and that

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