Sunday 25 August 2013

Catch up with rellies

Friday we drove to marchooydore to see barry, warren's brother and his partner Maureen. We had only met her once before. It was a good day marred by the fact that we had just heard that brother in law Allan had died earlier that day. He had been put into hospital with infections thru most of his body so it didnt sound too good and his body couldnt cope, I think he was about seventy seven.

Barry and Maureen have rented a flat overlooking the sea with a balconey, no furniture but they went to the local Lifeline and purchased what they needed. Plates and cups etc they brought from Maureen's mororhome which is in storage nearby.

We walked to a thai restruant for lunch, it was have to be the nicest place that I have eaten at for quite a long time and very reasonably priced, $44 for four. I had chicken satay, it said three sticks and I wondered if it was enough, well it was served with rice and salad and I think it was probably a full chicken breast between the three sticks. I am going to try to make it, it was yummy!

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