Saturday 2 June 2012

Yummy dinner

Wednesday I cooked a chicken but it wasnt cooked all the way thru so I cut some pieces off for dinner and finished it off in the mircowave. The carcass went into the crock pot for soup today and tonight we had the theighs, it must have been a big chicken as we also had some for lunch in wraps. Anyway, I was looking for inspiration for chicken. In the cupboard was ginger marlamade, apricot jam, peanut butter and herbs, I put a spoon full on each in a jug with the juice of a lemon and "melted' it, threw it over the chicken and then warmed it in MW, we had it on rice with carrots and brussels sprouts. It was yummy, I must remember to do that again at some time. We still have the wings and some slices of chicken, humm, might cut the meat off and throw it in some flour and make patties. Lunch will be meat pies tomorrow at the footy! Yay!

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